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Touched by a Thief Page 9
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Page 9
“He’s proved his worth to me ten times over.”
Her, too, Monte thought, but didn’t speak. She was playing a dangerous game. One where she hadn’t quite decided who was the bad guy and who was the good guy.
Just that she didn’t trust Ian. Nor Gerard for that matter.
Reality was neither Ian nor Gerard were the good guy, so what she was really trying to decipher was who was the lesser evil, the lesser threat.
“Everyone has a price, Gerard. You and I both know that,” she pointed out in a low, seductive tone, liking how his gaze watched the movement of his mouth. “For me, it’s the thrill of the steal, the adrenaline of breaking in, knowing I might get caught, knowing I’m pulling off what some say can’t be done when I take a rare jewel. I like that rush. Like it enough that I risk my freedom. That’s the price I paid. What’s Ian McGowan’s price?”
Trust me, Ian had said. But how could she? How could she when he’d set her up and she’d spent four months in jail? Four horrible long lonely frustrating months where avenging herself had been her only though. When seeking revenge against him had burned deep in her soul.
And what had she done? Seen him and ended up with him buried deep inside her within minutes.
Because reality was, Ian was the only man she’d ever really let in, let behind the walls she’d erected over the years, the only man she’d ever trusted, the only man she’d ever loved.
And he’d betrayed her.
In so many ways, he’d betrayed her.
Now he asked her to trust him.
Why should she? How could she after what he’d done?
He didn’t deserve her trust. Never had.
“I fucked him,” she blurted out.
Gerard laughed but the sound held no joy, more a cold breaking of the room’s silence. “You think I don’t know?”
She’d wondered, but assumed Gerard knew. How could he not have when he’d sent Ian to set her up? He had to have known how Ian used her.
Fine. She’d just see what all else he knew.
She shifted her pelvis against his groin, liking how his eyes dilated at the motion. “You don’t mind that we joined the mile high club on your plane?”
A tic jumped to life at Gerard’s temple.
Ah, so he hadn’t known quite everything. Probably nothing that Ian didn’t want him to know, actually. Had Ian been ordered not to touch her again? Had he anyway? What did that mean? That he was insubordinate and did what he wanted regardless of his boss? Only, Ian had at least two bosses. That she knew for sure. Otherwise he wouldn’t have had the pen.
“You are not to have anything to do with Ian McGowan again.” Gerard’s normally even tones held real threat, a cold icy threat that moved glacier-like through Monty’s veins.
“As if I’d want to.” She rolled her eyes, wondering why she was back-tracking, making an effort to protect Ian from Gerard’s anger. “If the man never takes another breath, I could care less.”
Not true. Not really. She did care. She cared too much. Way too much. Which was the entire problem.
“Funny you should say that…”
Only years of hiding her emotions kept Monty from reacting to Gerard’s boast. Inside, she reacted. She imploded.
“You’ve done something to him?” she asked, as if his answer made little difference to her one way or the other.
“His orders were to bring you and your jewelry to London. Nothing more. He certainly didn’t have permission to touch my woman on my fucking plane.”
“I’m no man’s woman,” she quickly refuted, bristling at the possessiveness in his tone, knowing Gerard would suspect something if she became too submissive anyway. She’d never been a submissive kind of girl. “Not even yours.”
“Negotiating for my release from a jail cell that you helped put me in doesn’t make me your woman. Far from it, Gerard.”
He regarded her between narrowed eyes. “You plan to leave?”
“You’ve been good to me these past few weeks. Spoiled me beyond my wildest dreams sexually and physically. However, when the time comes, I will leave, but at the moment, I’m where I most want to be.” She twined her arms around his neck, brushed her fingers over the tailored lines of his collar. “With you.”
Because she wanted to know more about the Degassi Diamond. Wanted to get her greedy little hands on the secrets behind the jewel.
Gerard was her strongest link to those secrets.
Ian could rot in hell.
Only…God, for all the times she’d imagined wrapping her hands around the man’s neck, she hoped Gerard hadn’t really done anything to him.
Monty was lying. Gerard knew it as well as he knew his own name. He should punish her for her insubordination, for her screwing around on him.
Only he couldn’t stand the thought of marring her beautiful body. Which was a bit ironic as sparring with Monty gave him pure enjoyment and he never held back when they fought. Or when they had sex.
Neither did she.
Which he loved.
Loved? No, he didn’t love her. More that he was obsessed with possessing her. Of all the beauties around the world, Monty had been the only one to hold his attention. The only one to turn him down flat from the very beginning. He didn’t like the rejection, not did he want to obsess over her.
But from the moment he met her, it had been the same. When he closed his eyes or sank his cock into a woman, it was Monty’s face he saw, Monty’s voice he wanted to hear crying out his name as he pummeled into her, Monte’s pussy he wanted milking him to completion.
Lately, he’d even been thinking he’d like to see her body plump with child. His child. With her striking features and quick mind, any child they created would be gifted. And although he’d yet to reproduce, more and more he was thinking he needed an heir to his empire. Why not the most intelligent woman he knew when she came with beauty and an allure he couldn’t resist?
Also, if he saw her body stretched out of proportion, perhaps he’d get beyond his need to feel her tight pussy contracting around his cock.
Just the thought of the heat between her legs made him swell to a painful hardness.
The witch knew it too. He wasn’t sure how she knew, but he saw her eyes dilate, saw her gaze lower, saw the slow smile spread across the vixen’s face.
“You want to fuck me, don’t you, Gerard?” she asked, as if she didn’t already know the answer. She reached out, cupped his crotch in her talented little fingers.
“You know I do.”
“Because you want to erase Ian from my body?” she taunted. How dare the witch mock him with the knowledge that another man had possessed what was his?
“Because you are mine.” He covered her mouth with his, silencing any attempt she made to correct him. She was his. Whether she wanted to be or not Monty belonged to him and he wouldn’t let her go. Not until he was damned well ready.
Needing to assert his control over her, he jerked her pants down, thong and all, lowered onto his hunches and breathed in the scent of her sweet pussy.
So sweet. So tempting. So delicious. He licked her swollen lips, dipping his tongue between her folds, pleased to find her wet, pleased to taste her juicy center, feel her throb to life beneath his mouth’s ministrations. He loved how this woman tasted, loved how responsive she was to his every touch.
“Gerard, you know this doesn’t change anything,” she warned even as she bucked in pleasure against the pressure he exerted against her clit. “I belong to no one. Only myself. Always.”
Is that what she thought? Fine. Let her deceive herself, but she’d never escape him. She belonged to him and him alone.
When he tasted her release, heard her cry out with pleasure, he stood, shucked his slacks down to his thighs and thrust inside her, deep and hard and so fast that it wasn’t until she jerked away from him right as he began to come that he realized he hadn’t put on a condom.
And hell if it didn’t piss him off that she
’d remembered in time for him to spill his hot load all over her backside rather than deep in her womb as he’d obviously intended to do.
What had Gerard been thinking? Obviously below the waist rather than with his brain. Otherwise, he’d never risk making her or any woman pregnant. Many a woman would love to entrap such a wealthy powerful man by having his child. He knew better.
So why had she been the one to pull away?
Because she had no doubt that had she not, Gerard’s cum would be dripping from her swollen center, possibly impregnating her.
“That was close.” She gave a low laugh. “I can’t believe you forgot to put on a condom.”
Maybe if she kept it light, so would he.
“I didn’t forget.”
What the? “You didn’t?”
“Why would…” then it struck her. Gerard intended to entrap her. To ensure that she’d stay with him. By whatever means necessary. A noose tightened around her neck, threatening to choke her, to leave her desperate for air, for freedom.
“I don’t intend to have children ever, Gerard, so that would have been a mistake. One I wouldn’t appreciate.”
His expression darkened. “I wouldn’t have allowed you to abort my baby if that’s what you’re implying.”
“You would have had no say over what I do with my body.”
“You don’t believe that any more than I do.”
Unfortunately, he was right. She didn’t. Gerard was a powerful man. So powerful he’d had her jailed and released. So powerful he had something the government was willing to make deals to get its return.
“Make no mistake, Monty. You belong to me. And if either of us reaches the point where we aren’t happy with that arrangement, well, let’s just say, that wouldn’t be a wise point for you to reach prior to my doing so.”
The noose tightened even more.
She was nothing more than a pawn in a game much bigger than herself. Wasn’t that what Ian had told her? Never had she felt it more than at this moment although reality was she’d been a pawn from the day she’d first met Ian.
Whether or not she learned the Degassi secrets, she had to escape from Gerard’s clutches as soon as possible. She couldn’t trust Ian, couldn’t wait to see if he was telling her the truth this time.
He wasn’t.
He would only use her just as every man had done in her past.
She had to accept that and move on with her life.
Nor could she wait to discover if Gerard had done something to Ian. Ian was a big boy—a very big boy—and he could take care of himself.
And if he couldn’t…well, he’d made his own bed, he’d just have to lie in it.
Just as she’d do whatever it took to survive, to insure her freedom from this web she’d become tangled up in.
Chapter Nine
Monty was gone. Ian didn’t have to look around the apartment to know she wasn’t there. He’d sensed her absence the moment he walked through the front door.
What he hadn’t sensed were the three goons waiting on him.
Three goons on Kincaid’s payroll.
“Hey, boys, what’s up?” He tried to play it cool as he assessed the situation. Despite them being hired hands of Kincaid’s, Ian could take them. Of that he had no doubt. But he’d learned long ago never to under estimate his opponents. Never to rush into a situation and never to let assumptions guide him rather than intelligence and gut instinct.
His intelligence said Kincaid would have known these three couldn’t take him down. That’s why Ian had been assigned to accompany Monty and the Degassi. Because he was the best and Kincaid knew it.
His gut instinct said Monty was in danger.
More danger than even she realized.
The players of this game wouldn’t care about a beautiful woman who was unlike any other. They’d shoot her dead on sight and never think a thing of it. Her only saving grace was Kincaid’s obsession with her body.
“Your time,” one of the goons joked, smacking his fist into the palm of his other hand. “That’s what’s up.”
Ian didn’t even break a sweat before all three of the blustery fools fell to the floor in a crumbled heap of broken, bloody, brawny flesh.
Prior to leaving, he did a quick search of the apartment, found what he was looking for, and headed out the door, all the while keeping a sharp eye out.
Something about this whole set up just felt wrong.
Set up being the key term.
Because he was pretty sure he was about to become a patsy.
Question was, was he supposed to be a dead patsy or a live one?
Monty’s mind felt fuzzy. No matter how she tried to clear her thoughts, she couldn’t.
Her arms felt heavy. Her legs, too. And her head had to be two sizes too big for her neck because it kept wobbling off balance.
Her tongue was dry, thick, stuck to the roof of her mouth. Her eyes a bit blurry.
And she had no idea where she was or how she’d gotten there or how much time had passed.
Everything from the time Gerard’s right hand man Butch had stepped into the room and popped her with some type of syringe…
“Ah, I see you are finally awake.”
“You drugged me,” she accused, glaring at him even as she placed a hand on her temple in hopes of steadying her head.
“Rest assured it was nothing that has any long term effects. You’ll be fine.”
The bastard wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he’d drugged her, looked proud even that he’d had his muscle slip her something and then…and then what?
She glanced around the lavish bedroom, trying to get a bearing on her location and coming up with nothing. “Where are we?”
“Where isn’t important.”
“Of course it’s important. Are we still in London?” Had he drugged her and taken her out of the country? Gerard had holdings all around the world, connections to the underworld. If he’d brought her to some third world country compound, escape would be nigh impossible. She’d be at his mercy.
He laughed. “You’re being overly sensitive. You are in my care and I will see to it all your needs are met. Regardless of where we are, that is all that matters. You are mine and the world shall respect that.”
Monty thought it best not to remind him that she wasn’t his or any man’s. Not when her mind was still fuzzy and she had no idea of what the best exit strategy was.
Even in her hazy state, she knew better than to poke a stick at a lion.
“Why am I here, Gerard?”
He poured on his aristocratic charm. “Because I want you here.”
He should know better than to think such charm would impress her. Not when he’d drugged her. “There are other women who can see to your sexual needs. There’s nothing special about me.”
He tsked. “If only that were true.”
“Of course, it’s true. I have nothing any different from any other woman.”
“But you do.” He gave a lazy smile, ran his fingertip down her chest, bringing home the fact that she was naked. “You have my attention. No other woman can claim that.”
Lucky her.
Almost naked. She felt around her neck, realized she was wearing the Degassi.
Gerard’s gaze followed her motions. “You should be more careful with the gifts I give to you. I’d hate to have to rescue such a beautiful jewel a second time.”
“You should be more careful about the gifts you give. And to whom,” she quipped, glancing around the room for her clothes. Nothing.
She was completely naked and at Gerard’s mercy. For the moment at any rate.
He laughed. “Life is never dull with you around, Monty.”
“Where is my necklace?”
He gestured to her neck.
“I mean my necklace.”
He shook his head. “It is of no consequence.”
No consequence? “I want my necklace, Gerard. Get it for me.”
; Obviously annoyed at her speaking to him in such a manner, his gaze narrowed. “Be careful, my pet. My patience has limits even where you are concerned.”
Monte took a deep breath and changed her tactic to the one that seemed to work best with her captor. “Gerard, that necklace has sentimental value to me. Please get it for me.” She ran her finger down her chest, between her breasts, over her flat belly, drawing his gaze the entire path. “Please. I’d be most appreciative.”
His gaze not leaving where her fingers toyed just above the trim patch of hair above her pubis, he swallowed, seemed taken aback at the change in her. “Sentimental value? A man gave you this necklace?”
She nodded, letting her finger dip lower. “My father. It was my mother’s and the only personal item I have that I value. I’d…I’d feel a great deal of gratitude upon its return.”
He placed his hand over hers, guided her fingers between her lips. “Then you shall have it back.”
She willingly let him guide her to orgasm, knowing she was playing a dangerous game. She had the Degassi around her neck. She should just leave, hide the Degassi until she could figure out her next move, but she wouldn’t leave her mother’s necklace. That one item was the only link she had to a family, to having ever belonged to something that was real.
She wouldn’t lose it.
But why was Gerard allowing her to wear the Degassi if it was of such value? That was the one thing that just didn’t make sense to her. Something didn’t sit right.